$8,259 USD(計 16 ヶ国からの支援)を達成することが出来ました。本当にありがとうございます!
It's officially over. Thanks to your incredible support on our Indiegogo campaign!
We successfully funded
$8,259 USD, 165% of our goal!
With 67 backers from more than 16 countries around the world.
To be honest, I was nervous about not making it. But I just have to keep going, because I am telling a story that must be told, and people believe in me. Now I have much more belief that I can!
I'm beyond grateful for all the people who supported me, gave me great feedback and spread words about our story. It would have been impossible if it weren't you.
I can't wait to share the teas with all of you! THANK YOU EVERYBODY!